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Kristen Fawley


Who are the members of your family?
My husband Ryan and my three children, Isla (5), Eloise (4), Seth (5 months) and my sweet doggy Bandit!

When did you join Fit4Mom and why did you become an instructor?
I joined Fit4mom shortly after my oldest was born in 2019. I have always enjoyed fitness and was also looking for a community of moms! I have had such a wonderful experience in my years with Fit4mom, I wanted to be able to continue to be involved in the community and give other moms what I felt I had been given, fitness, friendship and fun!

How has Fit4Mom affected your life?

Fit4Mom has been overwhelmingly positive in my life. It has definitely helped me reach my fitness and health goals. It has taught me accountability and discipline. More than that, I have made wonderful friends. My children have made wonderful friends, and this community has really helped me face motherhood head on and brought so much joy in my life!

What advice do you have for moms looking to try Fit4Mom?
Fit4Mom really embraces all aspects of being a woman and celebrates and supports you in every season. Whether you are looking to find a fitness community, or a group of mom friends, Fit4mom has so much to offer. Whether you are a stay at home mom or a working mom, there is something for everyone here, in all stages of motherhood!

Kristen Fawley