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Michelle Kadera


Who are the members of your family?
Andrew, Michelle, Jordyn, Ethan, Elleyna, and Charlotte

When did you join Fit4Mom and why did you become an instructor?
I started Fit4Mom in 2013. I’ve been instructing for 8 years.

How has Fit4Mom affected your life?
Stroller Strides is the exercise program I needed and longed for! As a first time mommy, I needed to surround myself with other mommies going through the same things! I never knew I would benefit so much from this group! The moms I have met, play groups I have participated in, the mom’s night outs I have thankfully been a part of and the body and optimal health I have always wanted…I wouldn’t trade this program for anything!

What advice do you have for moms looking to try Fit4Mom?
The two biggest benefits will be your health and the support! Our village has truly helped me through one of the messiest and overwhelming seasons of my life! I can’t imagine what my life would look like without it!

Michelle Kadera