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Brittany Watts


Who are the members of your family?
Chris, Emma (5) and Wesley (2)

When did you join Fit4Mom and why did you become an playgroup captain?
I joined Fit4mom in 2018 when Emma was 6 months old. I became a Playgroup Captain 6 months after that. I’m an elementary school teacher so becoming a Playgroup Captain was a natural fit for me. I love working with kiddos and coming up with fun crafts/activities for them to enjoy.

How has Fit4Mom affected your life?
Fit4mom has completely changed my life. I’m so grateful for the community of moms/friends it has given me and my entire family. I look forward to going to class everyday because it is such a loving and support group. Plus it’s a great workout with built in playdates for my precious kiddos.

What advice do you have for moms looking to try Fit4Mom?
Something I really appreciate about Fit4mom is that instructors know how to differentiate their workouts to meet the needs of all their mamas so whatever stage of life you are in you know you’ll get a great workout. Plus it’s FUN!!!

Brittany Watts