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Heather Milward


Who are the members of your family?
Mark, Whitney (4), Luke (1)

When did you join Fit4Mom and why did you become an instructor?
I joined Fit4Mom in January 2020 when Whitney was 2 months old. I became an instructor in October 2021, and owner in August 2023!

How has Fit4Mom affected your life?
I don’t even know where to begin. I joined Fit4Mom right before the pandemic and was so grateful to make a few friends leading into one of the loneliest years of motherhood. Without that first class and group of mamas looking out for me, I don’t think I would have enjoyed Whitney’s first year of life nearly as much. Fast forward to August 2021, my husband was involved in an officer involved shooting and rushed to the hospital. While he and I spent a week in the hospital, this village came together with meal trains, on the spot child care, gifts for our family, and more. Battling the hardest thing in my life was exactly when my mamas came into our life to hold me up. I will never forget the generosity, compassion, and care that these mamas have.

What advice do you have for moms looking to try Fit4Mom?
What do you have to lose? You get to be active outside, meet women in your same life stage, meet friends for your children that may just become your best buddies, and be surrounded by women ready to lift you up and encourage you along this crazy journey of motherhood. The hardest part is showing up, but think of the example you will be setting for your child that mommy cares about her health, her community, and her child while you make that leap.

Heather Milward